Treaty on international Commercial navigation Law 关于国际通商航行法的条约
By entering the WTO, Beijing could adopt aspects of international commercial law which would have been more difficult to introduce because of domestic constraints. 加入世贸之后,北京方面得以采纳国际商法的某些方面,而由于国内制约因素,要这么做本来难度会更大。
Now, Dr Li is employed as associate professor and LLM supervisor of Hunan university, lawyer of Jingzhou law firm, and director of Chinese international commercial law association. 现为湖南大学法学院副教授,硕士生导师,湖南金州律师事务所律师,中国国际商法协会理事。
Reflection on the Subject Setting of International Economic Law and International Commercial Law 关于国际经济法与国际商法的学科设置的思考
At present, anti-dumping research is from either international trade or international commercial law, there is many imperfect places about agricultural product anti-dumping account. 目前,国内对反倾销的研究更多是从国际贸易、国际商法等宏观视角来考察,对农产品反倾销会计等微观问题的研究还存在许多不完善的地方。
First, it defines the international commercial law and the curricula construction. 首先界定了国际商法和课程建设的概念。
In chapter three, it describes that the international commercial law has an independent position in the international law system. The international commercial law is an independent subject, and the courses of the international commercial law should have core course position in the international law course system. 第三部分重点论证了国际商法在国际法学体系中独立的法律部门地位,进而论证国际商法学科是独立的法学学科,国际商法课程在法学课程体系中具有核心课程地位。
This paper analyze all parts of the relations of international commercial agent by reviewing the development of international commercial agent in two law traditions and the differences between the rules of them. 本文以比较法学的研究方法,通过对两大法系中国际商事代理的发展历程的回顾和对不同规定的比较,剖析国际商事代理法律关系各要素;
On this basis, this article analyses its nature shown in our legislation, and points out that these legislative actions mean that the effect of international commercial custom to our domestic law has been recognized. 在此基础上,本文探讨了我国有关国际商事习惯立法中的特点,指出有关立法是对国际商事习惯在国内法上效力的承认,最后还就立法中的不足进行了分析并提出了改进措施。
How to collect evidence in international commercial arbitration is traditionally different in the common law system and the civil law system. 在国际商务仲裁中,如何进行证据收集,英美法系和民法法系有着不同的传统做法。
Accompanying the principle of the party autonomy accepted generally on the applicable procedure of the international commercial arbitration, there is a new theory, this is international commercial nondomestic arbitration arising besides the traditional law at arbitration place. 在国际商事仲裁程序法适用问题上,随着当事人意思自治原则的普遍接受,在传统的仲裁地法理论之外,日益兴起一种新的理论:国际商事非内国仲裁理论。
The authors of this paper have carried a preliminary foresighted research on the construction of ADR mechanism for the solution of sports disputes in China based on the ADR mechanism model of international civil commercial law and the mechanism of non-lawsuit ruling for sports disputes. 本文在借鉴国际民商法ADR解决机制和体育纠纷的非诉讼裁决机制的基础上,对我国的体育纠纷的ADR解决机制的构建进行了前瞻性的初探。
Principle of proximate connection is one of the most important principle in utilization of international civil and commercial contract law, flexibility is its notable characteristic, but it is also too loose. 最密切联系原则已是国际民商事合同法律适用的主要原则之一,灵活性是其突出的特点,但有过分随意的危险;
It expatiated the historical origin, the formally introduction and the legislation status in other countries and the international civil and commercial law. 第一章介绍缔约过失责任制度的产生和发展。阐述了缔约过失责任在罗马法上的历史渊源、正式提出及其在相关国家和国际立法与司法实践中的发展概况。
In order to apply foreign law safely, reservation of public order is necessary in international civil and commercial law. 该制度可以保证法院在涉外民商事案件中安全地适用外国法。
This article analyses the reality and possibility of application in international commercial transaction according to applicable law of contract, international commercial arbitration and interpretation of international law. 本文从合同准据法、国际商事仲裁、对国际法律的解释等方面评析通则在国际商事交易中作为法律适用的现实性和可能性。
Then, from the creation and development of the international commercial law, it inquiries into the influence of the research and education of the international commercial law, and points out the important meaning of the curricula construction of the international commercial law. 从国际商法的产生与发展,探讨其对法学研究和法学教育的影响,并阐述国际商法课程建设的重要意义。
In chapter one, it elaborates the background and the meaning of the international commercial law. 第一部分阐述了国际商法课程建设的背景和意义。
In the first chapter, beginning with the definition of the international commercial loan, the author analyses every legal relation in the international commercial loan, and analyses the applicable law about it overall but briefly. 第一章从对国际商业贷款的概念界定入手,分析国际商业贷款中的各种法律关系,对国际商业贷款协议的法律适用进行了全面而简要的分析;
In chapter two, it analyzes the present status of the curricula construction of the international commercial law within the higher education schools in China, and points out the key problems and the reasons. 第二部分分析我国高校国际商法课程建设的现状,并指出高校国际商法课程存在的主要问题及原因分析。
International commercial law should be independent from international economic law and private international law. 国际商法应当从国际经济法和国际私法中分离出来,成为一个独立的法律部门。
The New Development on the Uniform of the International Commercial Law& On the New Edition of the Principle of International Commercial Contracts 国际商事法律统一化的新发展&《国际商事合同通则》2004修订版述评
In addition, in the litera-ture of our country, the researches on the import and export cargo insurance are more towards international commercial law or insurance benefits. The researches on the market development are less. 另外,我国的文献中,关于进出口货运保险的研究资料多偏于国际商法或者保险利益等方面,实际研究市场发展的文献较少。
It becomes fundamental principle of civil law, even international commercial law. 情势变更原则发源于大陆法系,现在已成为各国及国际民商事法律的基本原则之一。
Nowadays, it includes international commercial treaties, general principles of law. international commercial conventions, international standard contracts, international commercial arbitration and so on. 目前,商人习惯法的渊源主要包括国际商事条约、一般法律原则、国际商事惯例和国际商事习惯、国际标准合同以及国际商事仲裁裁决等。
We compare and analyze the main legislation or regulation of two families of law, the International Civil and Commercial Law. 对两大法系及国际民商主要立法进行比较法研究。
This dissertation has implemented research on the damages for breach of contract, as prime remedy, under international commercial contract law from the perspective of comparative law and private international law. 本文从比较法和国际私法的角度对损害赔偿这一国际商事合同法上的主要救济手段进行研究。
The arbitration tribunal should adapt the law that the two parties have selected already, which is also the identification of party autonomy in the adaptation of substantive law in international commercial law. 仲裁庭可首先适用当事人协议选择的法律,这是意思自治原则在国际商事仲裁中实体法律适用的具体体现。
Conflict of laws as a basis for adjusting the International Commercial Law public relations, settlement of international disputes in civil and commercial laws, also works as take justice as pursue goal. 冲突法作为调整国际民商事法律关系、解决国际民商事纠纷的法律,也当以正义为追求目标。